Performance Apparel

Lewis Stritch

Lewis Stritch

A.K.A: Stritchy

Date of birth: 03/07/1993

Hometown: Bude Cornwall

Born: Wrexham, North Wales

Stance: Goofy

Shaper: Roger Tout

Magic stick: 9.0 Westbelieving, model - Jolly Roger 

Home break: Crooklets, Bude, Cornwall

Favourite waves:  Spot down the road and Shipwrecks (Bali) 

Favourite maneuvers: Noseriding, I love just hanging up there.  

Favourite surfers:  Harley Ingelby, Mick Fanning, Owen Wright

Favourite trick: Round house cut back

Other activities: Climbing, Kayaking, Swimming and Football

Music you listen to before events:  Kings of Leon, Arctic Monkeys, Jake Bugg Ben Howard

Favourite board: 9,1 Jolly Roger swallow tail

Favourite suit:  Gul viper in red 

Why do you wear Gul Suits? - I have been wearing Gul wetsuits for years my dad even has a picture of me in them when I was three. I love wearing Gul suits because they provide so much warmth in both summer and winter they also have such a unique look which is sick! They are super comfortable with loads of movement and I would definitely recommend them.



I lived in North Wales until I was 12 then I moved to Bude Cornwall, where I first started surfing; my first board was one of my dad’s really old boards (probably older than me). I didn't start competing until I was 15, and in my first year as a junior I finished 5th on the British Longboard Tour, then 3rd the year after. 

I have been surfing for about ten years now. I first started competing when I was fourteen and got a few good results and ended up being 5th in Britain in the under 18 longboard, then the year after I got 4th and then 3rd. I was also a part of the Cornish surf team and traveled to France and Spain with them which was amazing. After I left college I become a Outdoor Instructor and have been doing this for four years, I love my job as I work in the sea all the time and have loads of free time to surf. The winter of 2014 I traveled around South East Asia for four months including two months in Indonisia Whilst I was there I surfed some of the best waves of my life, this was one of the most amazing things I've done and I loved every minute of it, surfing some of the most consistent waves in the world! I just love being outdoors getting fresh air and keeping fit.